Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis worldwide and disproportionately affects men, the elderly, and racial/ethnic minorities. Gout is caused by persistent elevations in serum uric acid levels that result in monosodium urate crystal deposition in joints, kidneys, and soft tissues. In acute gout flares, these deposits cause severe and debilitating pain. Longer term, they are associated with bone erosions and cartilage injury that can result in permanent joint damage with associated disability and functional impairment. Although gout has traditionally been considered a relatively benign condition, increasing evidence supports its association with increased mortality risk and significant comorbid disease, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. There are an estimated 12.1 million people in the United States currently living with this chronic, progressive, and debilitating condition.

This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug that might prevent gout flare ups. This study drug is swallowed as capsules once daily.

The potential benefits to participants would be study-related medical care at no-cost and knowledge gained about their condition. On a wider scale, there may be general benefits to society because the investigational treatment may become a future treatment option.

To qualify for the study, you must be:

  • Male or female adult 19 years of age or older
  • Must have had an occurrence of 2 or more gout flares in the last 12 months
  • No major health issue
  • Other criteria may apply*

*There are multiple studies available to participate in and each may require different criteria to be approved as a participant.

To learn more about this trial and to find out if you qualify, please call 402.934.0044 or complete the form on our Contact page.