If you have not received a diagnosis for Major Depressive Disorder, we can diagnose on site.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the leading causes of disability, morbidity, and mortality around the world with approximately 264 million people worldwide and an estimated 21 million adults in the US reporting symptoms of depression. Characterized by symptoms such as prolonged sadness, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, MDD impacts day to day functioning and typically leads to a persistent, chronic illness with over 50% of individuals reporting recurrent depressive episodes. The purpose of this study is to learn more about the benefits and safety of 80 mg daily of NMRA-335140 (Navacaprant) relative to a placebo will help in the treatment of major depressive disorder and how safe it is when administered to adults.

The potential benefits to participants would be study-related medical care at no-cost and knowledge gained about their condition. On a wider scale, there may be general benefits to society because the investigational treatment may become a future treatment option.

To qualify for the study, you must be:

  • 19 to 65 years of age at informed consent.
  • Are experiencing symptoms such as persistent low mood, lack of energy, poor concentration, change in appetite, or inability to sleep.
  • Participant’s current major depressive episode must be confirmed by independent assessment.
  • The symptoms of the current MDD episode have been present for more than 4 weeks prior to the Screening Visit, but no longer than 12 months prior to the Screening Visit.
  • Body mass index (BMI) ≤35 kg/m2 at screening.
  • Other criteria may apply*

*There are multiple studies available to participate in and each may require different criteria to be approved as a participant.

To learn more about this trial and to find out if you qualify, please call 402.934.0044 or complete the form on our Contact page.