The purpose of this study is to see if a new type of shingles vaccine is well tolerated and can help the body make antibodies to help fight off shingles outbreaks in older adults. Every participant will receive two shingles vaccinations. There is no fake shot on this study.

Patients will be in this study for up to 12 months, depending on the group that they are randomly assigned. There is a screening visit, two vaccination visits, and three follow-up visits after each vaccine, for a total of nine visits. You must be willing to keep an electronic diary for one week after each vaccine to tell the sponsor about any reactions you may have to the vaccine.

Qualified participants may be compensated $119 for each visit and a $10 stipend for two diary completions. To qualify for the study, you must be: Ages 50-69 Be in relatively good health Other criteria may apply*

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